Sustainable community planning development
This project is about gathering information and developing practical tools based on local knowledge and experience to support the development of sustainable communities.
Our central research goal is to examine the 4 concepts of resiliency introduced below within the context of resource-based communities (RBCs).

The 4 concepts of community resiliency.
Social resilience refers to the capacity of societies to cope with many kinds of challenges that impact well-being and is an essential characteristic of what we call "success stories". More specifically, an equitable and inclusive society that provide members with the resources needed to live healthy, secure, and fulfilling lives.
Economic resilience refers to the ability of communities and individuals to respond to shocks that may impact economic stability and well-being at the individual, household, business, or market level. Emphasis is placed on ingenuity and resourcefulness during and after an event (shock) with specific reference to actions that increase resistance and recovery.
Environmental resilience refers to the magnitude of environmental transformation that can be absorbed by communities using key planning infrastructure and policy prior to critical thresholds being surpassed. Particular focus is on a community’s capacity to persist in event of acute or long-term challenges resulting from environmental change.
Legislative/governance resilience refers to a community's long-term strategies, plans, and policies - the formal and informal mechanisms adopted by governing institutions that highlight the importance of good governance, maintain long-term perspectives, and advance community development, stability, and diversity using an inclusive and transparent approach.
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