Peer Reviewed
Roberts, R., Munoz, S. A., Thorpe, K., Dalton, H., Deacon, L., Meredith, D., ... & Grattidge, L. (2024). International declaration on rural mental health research: 10 guiding principles and standards. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 32(4), 611-616.
Mongeon, A., Humeniuk, W., Schubert-Mackey, K., & Deacon, L. (2024). Learning from COVID equity measures to increase community resilience: case study of a rural local public health unit. Canadian Journal of Emergency Management.
Deacon, L., Sarapura, S., Caldwell, W., Epp, S., Ivany, M., & Papineau, J. (2023). COVID‐19, mental health, and rurality: A pilot study. The Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe canadien, 67(4), 460-469.
Mongeon, A., Deacon, L., & Mulligan, K. (2023). A Conceptual Framework for Governance of Health and Wellbeing in Rural Communities. Journal of Rural and Community Development, 18(3).
Van Assche, K., Gruezmacher, M., Summers, B., Culling, J., Gajjar, S., Granzow, M., ... & Jamwal, A. (2022). Land use policy and community strategy. Factors enabling and hampering integrated local strategy in Alberta, Canada. Land Use Policy, 118, 106101.
Van Assche, K., Gruezmacher, M., Vodden, K., Gibson, R., & Deacon, L. (2021). Reinvention paths and reinvention paradox: Strategic change in Western Newfoundland communities. Futures, 128, 102713.
Van Assche, K., Duineveld, M., Birchall, S. J., Deacon, L., Beunen, R., Gruezmacher, M., & Boezeman, D. (2020). Resilience, Reinvention and Transition during and after Quarantine. Space and Culture, 23(3), 230-236.
Van Assche, K., Gruezmacher, M., & Deacon, L. (2020). Land use tools for tempering boom and bust: Strategy and capacity building in governance. Land Use Policy, 93, 103994.
Van Assche, K., Gruezmacher, M., & Deacon, L. (2020). Taming the boom and the bust? Land use tools for mitigating ups and downs in communities. Land Use Policy, 93(C).
Van Assche, K., Beunen, R., Gruezmacher, M., Duineveld, M., Deacon, L., Summers, R., ... & Jones, K. (2019). Research methods as bridging devices: Path and context mapping in governance. Journal of Organizational Change Management.
Deacon, L., Van Assche, K., Papineau, J., & Gruezmacher, M. (2018). Speculation, planning, and resilience: Case studies from resource-based communities in Western Canada. Futures, 104, 37-46.
Marais, L., McKenzie, F. H., Deacon, L., Nel, E., van Rooyen, D., & Cloete, J. (2018). The changing nature of mining towns: Reflections from Australia, Canada and South Africa. Land use policy, 76, 779-788.
Van Assche, K., Gruezmacher, M., & Deacon, L. (2019). Mapping institutional work as a method for local strategy; learning from boom/bust dynamics in the Canadian west. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 62(1), 51-71.
Jahan, N., & Deacon, L. Analytical framework for community resilience: A case study of Devon, Alberta. Western Geography, 36.
Lamanes, T., & Deacon, L. (2019). Supporting social sustainability in resource‐based communities through leisure and recreation. The Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe canadien, 63(1), 145-158.
Deacon, L., Papineau, J. W., & Lamanes, T. (2017). Transiency, fly-in-fly-out workers, and sustainability: Perceptions from within a resource-based community. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 226, 95-105. doi:10.2495/SDP170091
Papineau, J. W., & Deacon, L. (2017). Fort McMurray and the Canadian oil sands: Local coverage of national importance. Environmental Communication, 11(5), 593-608.
Van Assche, K., Deacon, L., Gruezmacher, M., Summers, R., Lavoie, S., Jones, K., ... & Parkins, J. (2017). Boom & Bust. Local strategy for big events. A community survival guide to turbulent times. Groningen/Edmonton, Alberta: InPlanning and University of Alberta, Faculty of Extension.
Deacon, L., Baxter, J., & Buzzelli, M. (2015). Environmental justice: An exploratory snapshot through the lens of Canada's mainstream news media. The Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe Canadien, 59(4), 419-432.
Deacon, L., & Lamanes, T. (2015). Resiliency and resource-based communities: a Canadian case study. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 193, 713-724.
Deacon, L., & Baxter, J. (2013). No opportunity to say no: a case study of procedural environmental injustice in Canada. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 56(5), 607-623.
Non-peer reviewed
Deacon, L. 2018. Rebuilding Fort McMurray: a snapshot of the role of planners in rebuilding efforts, Institute of Catastrophic Loss Reduction.
Van Assche, K., Gruezmacher, M., and Deacon, L. 2017. Communities Managing Boom & Bust: Self-Reflection and Strategy. Public Sector Digest. February 2017.
Davidsen, C., Deacon, L., & Kipp, L. (2013). Oil Literacy: The Canadian Oil/Tar Sands Debate, Media Literacy, and Politics. Pearson Publishing, 277 pages.
PRESENTATIONS (last 5 years)
Deacon, L. 2024. Rural Proofing Policy: COVID-19 and North Durham, Community Development Council Durham, Brock Township, ON. June 27, 2024.
Van Ewyk*, L., Deacon, L., Brinklow, L., 2024. Do You Speak Farmer? Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association, Charlottetown, PE. May 31, 2024.
Van Ewyk*, L., Deacon, L., Ejack, L., 2024. Do You Speak Farmer? Society of Rural Physicians of Canada, Edmonton, AB. April 20, 2024. [panel]
Deacon, L. 2024. Ontario Rural Populations: A Survey Analysis of Women’s Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic. American Association of Geographers Annual Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii. April 16, 2024. [attended virtually]
Deacon, L. 2024. Rural Proofing Policy and Local Data Collection. Prentice Institute for Global Policy, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, AB. February 8th, 2024.
Deacon, L. 2023. The value of rural data collection and the need to rural-proof policy. International Conference on Sustainable Development. September 8th, 2023. Rome, Italy.
Deacon, L. 2023. Data, COVID, Mental Health. University of Reading Speaker Series. May 1st, 2023. Reading, UK.
Deacon, L. 2023. COVID-19, Mental Health & Data. Healthy Communities Summit. March 30th, 2023. Guelph, ON.
Deacon, L. 2023. Mental Health, COVID-19, and Chatham-Kent. Chatham-Kent Cabinet. February 22nd. 2023. Chatham, ON. [attended virtually].
Deacon, L. 2023. COVID-19, Mental Health, and Rural Ontario. UCP 38th Quarterly Meeting. February 22nd, 2023. Matatiele, South Africa.
Deacon, L., 2023. Rural Policy and Data – Canada’s Experience. Cross-Party Groups, Scottish Parliament. January 31st, 2023. Edinburgh, UK.
Mongeon*, A., Golisky, J., Graham, M., Bentley, R. 2023. Solutions for Healthy Rural Communities. ROMA Conference. January 24, 2023. Toronto, ON.
Deacon, L., Mongeon*, A., Dominelli, F., and Ferguson, H. 2022. [Re]Framing Healthy and Resilient Communities. Canadian Rural Revitalization Federation. North Bay, ON. November 16, 2022. [Panel].
Kvern*, M., and Deacon, L. 2022. Decarbonizing in local plans and strategies. ACSP. November 4th, 2022. Toronto, ON.
Deacon, L. 2022. COVID-19 and Rural Communities. Urban Economy Forum. October 31st, 2022. Collingwood, ON. [attended virtually].
Deacon, L. 2022. Rural Response to COVID-19. Gateway Centre of Excellence in Rural Health Speaker Series. October 11th, 2022. [virtual].
Deacon, L. 2022. Rural Response to COVID-19. North Durham Council. October 4th, 2022. [virtual].
Deacon, L. 2022. Rural Data and Planners. Ontario Professional Planners Institute Conference. September 23rd, 2022. London, ON.
Deacon, L. 2022. COVID-19 & Huron County. Sustainable Huron. September 21st, 2022. [virtual].
Deacon, L. Rural Canada and Mental Health: COVID-19. 2022. Royal Geographical Society, United Kingdom.
Deacon, L. 2022. Rural Response to COVID-19: Implications across Huron and Perth Counties. Gateway Virtual Lecture Series, online, Canada [Invited].
Kvern, M., Deacon, L. 2022. Planning for the energy transition in rural Canada. ACSP, Toronto, Canada.
Deacon, L. 2022. Rural Response to COVID-19: The Impact of Local Data. International Medical Geography Symposium, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Deacon, L. 2022. Rural Response to COVID-19 in Oxford County. Future Oxford, Online, Canada [Invited].
Deacon, L. 2022. Rural Mental Health in Elgin County. County Council Presentation, Online, Canada [Invited].
Deacon, L. 2022. Rural Response to COVID-19 in Huron County. Sustainable Huron, Online, Canada.
Deacon, L. Rural Response to COVID-19: The Role of Planners. Ontario Professional Planners Institute Conference, London, Canada.
Deacon, L. 2022. Rural Response to COVID-19: The Canadian Experience. OECD, Paris, France [Invited].
Deacon, L. 2022. Mental Health in the Agri-Food sector and Rural Communities. OMAFRA Research in Action, Guelph, Canada.
Deacon, L. 2022. Rural Response to COVID-19: Mental Health in Elgin County. CSWB Mental Health Forum, Online, Canada [Invited].
Deacon, L. 2022. COVID-19 and Mental Health. Urban Economy, Collingwood, Canada [Invited].
Deacon, L. 2021. Local Data and Response Plans. Saskatchewan Professional Planners Institute, Online, Canada.
Deacon, L. 2021. Conducting Research During Disasters. Catastrophic Loss Reduction, Online, Canada [Invited].
Deacon, L. 2021. The Value of Local Rural Data. UN-Habitat in Towns 2021, Online, Canada.
Deacon, L. 2020. Transformative Resiliency. KEYS Workshop, Online, Canada [Invited].
Deacon, L., Van Assche, K., Gruezmacher, M. 2019. Evolutionary resilience: sustainable urban planning development. American Association of Geographers annual conference, Washington, United States of America.
Deacon, L., Van Assche, K., Gruezmacher, M. 2019. Land-Use Tools, Development Paths, and Local Strategies: The Role of Policy in Developing Local Resiliency. Sustainability: Transdisciplinary Theory, Practice, and Action, Toronto, Canada [Invited].
Deacon, L., Van Assche, K., Gruezmacher, M. 2019. Rural Engagement. Canadian Rural Revitalization Federation Annual Conference, St. John's, Canada [Invited].
Deacon, L., Van Assche, K., Gruezmacher, M., 2019. Material Dependencies as Assets or Constraints for Sustainable Development. Western Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers, Victoria, Canada.
Lamanes, T. , Deacon, L. 2018. Provision of contextually appropriate opportunities for participation in recreation and leisure. American Association of Geographers, New Orleans, United States of America.
Deacon, L., Van Assche, K. Gruezmacher, M. 2018. Panelist. Alberta Land Institute - Land Use 2018, Edmonton, Canada [Invited].
Papineau, J., Lamanes, T., Deacon, L. 2018. Recreation, leisure, and perceptions from within a resource-based community. Canadian Association of Geographers, Quebec City, Canada.
Deacon, L., 2018. Planning and academia: the role of planning in resiliency, sustainability, and community development. PLACE 2018, Edmonton, Canada [Invited].
Deacon, L., Van Assche, K., Gruezmacher, M. 2017. Transiency, Fly-In-Fly-Out (FIFO) workers and sustainability: perceptions from within a resource-based community in Canada. International Sustainable Development and Planning Conference, Bristol, United Kingdom.
Deacon, L. 2017. Sustainable Community Planning Development. University of Alberta Student Sustainability Summit, Edmonton, Canada.
Deacon, L., Garvin, T., 2017. What is Sustainability?. Reimagining the Classroom - University of Alberta Alumni Conference,
Edmonton, Canada [Invited].
Deacon, L. 2017. Building Resilience Cities for the Future. Alternaitives Verde (Green Alternatives), Axochiapan, Mexico [Invited].
Deacon, L. 2017. Resilient Communities and Climate Change. Designing Resilience Conference, Edmonton, Canada [Invited].
Deacon, L., Van Assche, K., Gruezmacher, M. 2017. Speculation, planning, and resource-based communities: planning for resiliency. Association of European Schools of Planning Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
Deacon, L., Van Assche, K., Gruezmacher, M. 2017. Tempering the Cycles of Boom/Bust: Lessons from Western Canada. American Association of Geographers, Boston, United States of America.